Tag: Chinese New Year recipes

Ham Stir-Fried Rice with Peas

My mom’s ham fried rice was one of my favorite dishes. I routinely requested it for my birthday dinner. In my home growing up we ate it as a main dish. Today we serve ham fried rice in smaller portions along side fish, shrimp or 

Asian Orange Chicken

We really enjoyed this version of orange chicken. Last year my sister-n-law Jennifer sent me a wok that I am so in love with. It makes sauteing a cinch. Most of the prep work is all about the marinade which needs to be done at 

Chinese Year of the Ox

Happy New Year!

Today we celebrated Chinese New Year. This week we worked on making Chinese Lanterns and masks.

Today the kids thought it would be fun to make fortune cookies. Adelin made all the fortunes to hide inside.

For dinner we had Teriyaki Pork with noodles (for long life) and steamed broccoli and carrots. We had fortune cookies and orange slices (for a sweet life) for dessert.

Fortune Cookies for Chinese New Year

For Chinese New Year we decided to make our own fortune cookies. They proved to be harder than anticipated. Fortunately we were able to make one really good one for show while the rest, well… in Mason’s words, “Where are all the cookies?” I started