Bacon Wrapped Chicken

Bacon Wrapped Chicken

Several years ago, a group of moms started a monthly Bunko night. There were 12 of us with alternates in case one of us could not make it. Each member had to play hostess to a game night. She would provide the house, the meal, dessert and the prizes. Every month, we contributed $5.00 to the next month’s hostess to cover the cost for prizes. Everyone walked away a winner. That might be the most wins with a $15.00 prize to a complimentary $6.00 prize. The food was great, but the company was the best part. Being all moms, it was nice to let loose once in a while.

One month, my friend Lindsey surprised us all with this simple, yet elegant dish served with Parmesan Garlic Asparagus and Boiled Red Potatoes. I tracked the recipe down only to discover it belonged to my friend Cathy’s grandmother. She is also the woman who gave us the caramel recipe and Easy Crock Pot Chicken. Bacon wrapped chicken quickly became a Valentine’s Day tradition in our home. The meal is finished off with a rich chocolaty dessert of Molten Lava Cakes and vanilla ice cream.

6 chicken breasts (you can use regular chicken breasts and fillet them and pound them flat or buy the thin cut chicken breast. I still had to pound the thin cutlets. You want to be able to roll them up nicely)
Butter, softened
1-2 containers of chive and onion cream cheese
Salt and Pepper
6 bacon strips

Preheat oven to 350.

Dot or spread each thinned chicken breast with a pad of butter. (A pad of butter is like half a tablespoon). Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Spread 1-2 tbsp of Onion/Chives Cream Cheese. Roll up. Wrap with a slice of bacon. Pin with toothpick.

Bake 350 for 20-30 minutes, or until juice runs clear. Put under the broiler for 5 minutes to crisp the bacon.